Thoughtfully Cocktails Margarita Cocktail Party Pouches

Thoughtfully Cocktails Margarita Cocktail Party Pouches


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  • Thoughtfully Cocktails Margarita Cocktail Party Pouches

    Thoughtfully Cocktails Margarita Cocktail Party Pouches

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Product Details

MARGARITA KIT features ten 0.25 oz. pouches of margarita mix in four flavors and a plastic funnel for pouring FRUITY MARGARITA FLAVORS include Original Lime, Strawberry, Pink Grapefruit, and Mango JUST ADD TEQUILA - Drink immediately or freeze overnight to enjoy refreshing margaritas pretty much anywhere PERFECT FOR PARTIES - Hassle-free preparation makes margarita cocktail pouches ideal for any get-together GIFT BAG READY - Just wrap it up, slip it into a bag, or add a bow, and this margarita gift set is ready to go

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